12 March 2011

Get Your Paint On - Week 4

I tried a different style of painting this week. I wanted to paint something very realistic, and as I used to love drawing birds when I was younger, I got out my British Birds book and chose the bullfinch. The assignment this week was to chose a composition principle or 2 to incorporate into the painting and I chose 'focal point'.

The bird is obviously the focal point of the paintng, and I made it bright and sharp. I originally intended to draw a flying bird in the distance in more muted colours and fuzzier, but now I think that would actually ruin this painting. I also follwed the rule of thirds for creating a focal point and placed the bird on an intersection.

The other principle I followed was to keep the elements varied in space - I placed the bird off centre and the twig/wire cuts the painting in 2 but not symmetrically.

I haven't painted anything like this for so long I think I surprised myself with it! Will definitely be doing more like this in the future - perhaps birds in unusual environments to make it a little different.

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