23 December 2010

The 365 Scientist - Days 155 - 158

Day 155

The 365 Scientist made a start on writing his Christmas cards today. This one is for is friend, the Big Scientist. Hope I get one too.

Day 156

There was a spare piece of tinsel left over from decorating the Christmas tree the other day, so the 365 Scientist decided to decorate himself. I know he wants a scarf but I think tinsel might be a little stratchy and uncomfortable. Best to wait and see if Santa thought he deserved a present this year!
Day 157

Look who came to the door today with a card for the 365 Scientist - it's Postman Pat!! We're all wondering who the special card is from!
Day 158

Postman Pat decided to stay for a while to see who the 365 Scientist's card was from - and it turned out to be a handwritten card from Santa! Lucky Scientist!

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