02 September 2010

We Will Fly - My new shop is open!

I am really pleased to announce the opening of my new shop, We Will Fly!

Here you will find an eclectic mix of all my artistic endeavours - with handmade plush creatures made from mostly repurposed and upcycled materials, alongside my pencil sketches and artwork!

My new style of plush creatures is quite different from the traditional Fur Will Fly plush, and after spending a lot of effort unifying my shop layout and photos, I felt I had to start a brand new place to sell these ones. The designs are so different, but I thought that a good way to introduce them would be to create a special 'crossover' plush - with characteristics of both Fur Will Fly and We Will Fly designs! She will be listed in my original shop shortly, but here is a sneak peek........

As for the new plush creatures, they are inspired by nature and by the range of beautiful, vintage fabrics I’ve acquired, and continue to hunt for. I wanted to make something quite simple but detailed, with a feminine dainty quality, without being too cutesy and sickly. Since most of the fabrics used are charity/secondhand shop finds, or repurposed from family and friends, my creatures are quite unique and even eco-friendly!
As existing blog readers will know, lately I've been experimenting with journaling, doodling, sketching and lino printing, to name but a few, and I wanted to create a shop where I could include these items alongside my plush designs. The sketches and canvases are extremely personal to me, and something I’ve wanted to do for a very long time. I only picked up my sketching pencils again a couple of months ago, after years of being too worried to do so in case I’d lost the ability to draw. It is only lately that I’ve realised that being creative in any way isn’t something to be scared of, and as long as you enjoy it you should just give it a go. I’m sure my style will evolve and I hope to try many other techniques too. I hope it all works well together, and that people enjoy taking a wander round.
As I already have an established blog here, I didn't feel that creating another blog to share my We Will Fly items was appropriate or doable, so this blog will have a new joint banner and will be focusing more on all things creative, rather than solely plush items. I hope to incorporate my photography shop, Photos Will Fly, on this blog too, as this shop has been a little neglected. I think I started it without putting in enough effort, so I hope that by combining the blogs it will fuel my creativity and all my shops will benefit too!

To celebrate the opening of We Will Fly, I'd like to offer all blog readers 20% off everything until the end of September! Just send me a message, with the top-secret keyword WING, after buying your chosen items and I'll send you a revised invoice.

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