12 July 2011

Updated blog design!!

I wanted to create a fresher look for my blog so I enlisted the help of Etsy seller Miss Evil Kitty for the basic template design, and did the little tweaks myself (with many google searches like 'how to add a horizontal line'!). I'll probably still keep changing it here and there, but the main design is in place.

I can't decide whether I love or hate html though - if I knew the basics without having to look every single detail up I think I'd love it! There is an immense satisfaction at typing in a weird little phrase with loads of <> in it and seeing the design change into what you wanted! Or maybe that is me just being weird. Of course there is also the huge frustration at typing in said phrase and ending up with a giant mess (but that is probably due to my own lack of knowledge and not the fault of html). I'm thankful for the 'Clear Edits' button I can tell you!

Well I hope you like my new design!

PS. I do still want to make it so I can use xlarge size landscape photos in my blog posts without them being cropped. If anyone can help I'd be soooo grateful!! I think maybe I could resize all photos and then use the actual size but that is too much work.

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