30 July 2012

Olympic Lego Bench Monday

Go Team GB!!! I'm off to watch the weightlifting at the Excel tomorrow - excited!!

29 July 2012

Yay - Olympics!

Nothing says Olympic spirit like some £1 Union Jack bunting! Go Team GB!

24 July 2012

Tuesday Tunes

An old favourite today. I love the lyrics, and pretty much everything about it. I remember it was used in Cruel Intentions too, which I thought was a great film at the time. Maybe I should watch it again......

Every You Every Me by Placebo

17 July 2012

Tuesday Tunes

A kind of creepy, yet relaxing, one for you today.

16 July 2012

Alien Lego Bench Monday


10 July 2012

Tuesday Tunes

A brilliant rock band I only discovered a couple of months ago when I heard this song on Kerrang radio. Brilliant...........

The Waiting Room by We Are the Ocean

09 July 2012

Inspiring Lego Bench Monday

My Lego self is as excited as I am this week, as we are starting an online painting course! Our first task is to search out inspiration from books and real life, and to gather our supplies. If you'd like to join us please visit here to book a place!

05 July 2012

Project 52 - Fun in the Sun

Something we all need when we get the chance. Seeing as summer is a slowburner at the moment, every time the sun so much as peers around a cloud, I'm there. And so is Ted. 

03 July 2012

Dukan Update

I'm now on Phase 2 of the good old Dukan diet. I lost 5lbs after 5 days of Phase 1 so I'm definitely carrying on, even if it does mean eating more of those bizarre 'meals'. A chicken breast alone on a plate still does not constitute a meal, but hey. So, Phase 2 means I'm alternating the proteins only with protein + vegetable days. At last, some greenery. Never has a cucumber tasted so damn good. I wasn't going to try on the dreaded jeans for a few weeks but I lapsed - they still don't fit. I think exercise has to be stepped up tomorrow - perhaps 3 miles on the treadmill to start off with. 

Another bonus is that I worked out (by experimenting) how to make a kind of curry for the protein only days, and it turned out pretty damn good! I'm easily impressed by my cooking skills, as they are somewhat limited generally.

Tuesday Tunes

My favourite song of the moment, and I just got tickets to go see her perform in October!!!! So excited. There is no official video for this one as it's an album track only at the moment, but enjoy................

Living Dead by Marina and the Diamonds

02 July 2012

Anyone for Tennis? Lego Bench Monday

With Wimbledon well under way, this Lego guy felt inspired to have a go himself. I think he's ventured outside the official court area to take this shot though - I don't remember a park bench and trees on Centre Court, although that would make it slightly more interesting.
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