27 September 2011

MCP Project 52 - Weeks 35-38

The theme for week 35 was 'Lazy'. I didn't want to go with the obvious shot of me lounging around being lazy, so I went for Action Man lounging around being lazy instead! He's kicked off his boots, made a pillow from his utility jacket and laid down in the sunshine with a big old mug of tea - what a good idea!

Week 36 came along when I was feeling poorly so I'm a bit disappointed with this one. The theme was 'Thirst for Knowledge' and the best I came up with was to write out a great quote about knowledge and hold it up. 

The next theme for week 37 was 'Momentous Moments'. A tough theme because I didn't have anything particularly momentous going on, and I didn't want to do another shot of me with an old photograph. I set this one up to represent a momentous moment in the last couple of years - when I picked up my sketching pencils again and started drawing! 
Week 38 was 'The Eyes Have It'. I was going to use my large collection of safety eyes from my plush making to compose a fun shot, but somehow I couldn't get that to work. I went for a distorted eye shot looking through my crystal ball instead!

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Aw, that one with the quote is actully one of my favourites of yours :D

Love that one of Action Man as well!

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