28 September 2011

Winter Coat Time is Approaching

This post doesn't seem like such a great idea now we are experiencing a 'mini heatwave' or as I like to call it 'summer at last'. As usual, summer was a bit rubbish here in the UK, but we are being treated to a few extra, and unexpected, days of sunshine now - better late than never I guess. The summer wasn't a total disaster - I do remember a good few days of glorious hot sunshine, but that was followed by many more days of rain and wind.

Despite the weather, I'm starting to think about the winter season. The best bit for me is choosing a new winter coat! I love coats and have always had a fair few in my wardrobe. Being a natural bargain hunter I had previously always gone for quantity over quality - thinking I'd much rather have lots of different coats than just one of a good quality. A few years ago I decided to splash out a little more on a Mango coat, and then 2 winters ago I bought my favourite ever coat from TopShop. It has lasted me well since but the lining is starting to tear inside (and if I'm honest it seems to be a little tight right now - damn those summer icecreams and cream teas).

The upshot is that I am in the market for a new coat - yay to coat shopping. Here are a few I've found online so far. You can follow my style board on Pinterest if you'd like to see any other fashion gems I've fallen for!

I did order this last one from ASOS in the red bery colour but it didn't fit my shape properly so it had to go back. While I like the others, none of them quite live up to my old TopShop coat, so the search continues......

27 September 2011

MCP Project 52 - Weeks 35-38

The theme for week 35 was 'Lazy'. I didn't want to go with the obvious shot of me lounging around being lazy, so I went for Action Man lounging around being lazy instead! He's kicked off his boots, made a pillow from his utility jacket and laid down in the sunshine with a big old mug of tea - what a good idea!

Week 36 came along when I was feeling poorly so I'm a bit disappointed with this one. The theme was 'Thirst for Knowledge' and the best I came up with was to write out a great quote about knowledge and hold it up. 

The next theme for week 37 was 'Momentous Moments'. A tough theme because I didn't have anything particularly momentous going on, and I didn't want to do another shot of me with an old photograph. I set this one up to represent a momentous moment in the last couple of years - when I picked up my sketching pencils again and started drawing! 
Week 38 was 'The Eyes Have It'. I was going to use my large collection of safety eyes from my plush making to compose a fun shot, but somehow I couldn't get that to work. I went for a distorted eye shot looking through my crystal ball instead!

26 September 2011

Best of 365 Self - 15th Aug - 26th Sept

After having been ill (and generally stressed out with everything) I have neglected my blog again. I would like to welcome any new followers who may have found me through Susannah Bean, as I am a sponsor on her blog this month! Hello to you all!

This is just a nice update of my 365 Self Portrait project over the last month or so. I have struggled a bit with ideas and motivation lately, but I have been able to fall back on my great camera phone and the Camera 360 application to help me.

12 September 2011

New hilarious teddy bear advert!

If you like the Birds Eye polar bear adverts and the Travelodge Bears, then you'll probably like this new advert from Weetabix Spoonsize too. Street dancing teddy bears. Always a winner.

And if you like the ad, check out this behind the scenes clip too. It is over 4 minutes long but totally worth it to see 6 foot teddy bears busting some moves!

07 September 2011


Just a quick update to say there has been a lack of new posts for a few days because I've been poorly (flu I think) - feeling a little better now so hoping to get some new posts written very soon! Not been able to take any interesting 365 Self photos either which is disappointing, but I knew I'd get ill sometime so that is where my camera phone and its applications comes in handy - a quick shot can be made a little more interesting with a funky effect added to it! 

Anyway, I hope to be back with a new post very soon so please visit again!

04 September 2011

Teacup 30 - Day 30

Well it's the last day of my little teacup's adventure, so I thought a cake would be appropriate! It's a green mint choc chip cake too - yum!

02 September 2011

Teacup 30 - Day 29

My little mannequin was more than happy with his cup of tea today.

Teacup 30 - Day 28

Ooh, my little teacup has competition - but which is better, a mug or a teacup?

01 September 2011

MCP Project 52 Week 34/52 - Connections

I wanted to connect with nature for this weeks theme so I knew I had to head out to some woods. To build that connection I decked the trees out in flowers and paper lanterns. It looked really pretty! I wore my new sixties style yellow dress - a great little find in TK Maxx!

Here are a couple of reject shots that didn't quite make it:

Teacup 30 - Day 27

Tea and Digestives - a classic combination.
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