21 June 2011

I'm back!

Well my holiday is all over and it's back to reality. I spent all day Sunday feeling very weird and yearning to be back in the West Country. I don't mind where I live but I love being by the coast and surrounded by quiet countryside. Kent has some lovely countryside too, but it's so much busier here and hard for me to get to without a car. 

Still, I have lots to catch up on and hundreds of photos to sort through, so I will be kept very busy. I've been enjoying my 365 Self project so far although it is going to be hard to create such different shots now I'm back to work and limited by location. I guess I will need to make friends with my camera flash and get creative with the environment I have!
I will be working on a new blog schedule as soon as I get round to it, and posting lots! I will return very soon!


Deborah said...

Yay, glad you're back & had a good time & that you're enjoying the 365 so far!

I can relate to the trouble with having a limited location for shots because I'm at home nearly all the time at the moment. :S I guess we have to use our imaginations a bit more, which is probably a good thing :)

flailing DORIS said...

Definitely need to use imagination more - I don't want to end up using a whole load of shots indoors with poor lighting, harsh flash and stuff in the background. I don't really even have many plain walls in my house - I have lots of 'stuff'! Still, I'm sure the challenge will do us good and improve our photography in general - I know I need to learn more about exposure. Also Doris has a slight mark on her mirror so I need to send her back to be checked out soon - will be without her for who knows how long - aahhh.

Deborah said...

Aw, no, poor Doris! Hope you can get her sorted out quickly :( at least you have several other cameras to keep you going in the meantime! :)

That is a shame you have no plain walls in your house. :( I quite like photos with stuff in the background sometimes though - gives people a glimpse into someone's life and the things they like :D (maybe I'm just nosey though, hehe)

cococita said...

This photo is fantastic! I love it for so many reasons: the beautiful reflection of the sun in the water, the infinity of the sea, the pefect balance, a fantastic backpack holiday at the South West Coast Path in the UK ... Thanks for sharing! Wish you lots of luck and inspiration for your 365 Self Project and from today, I will be in the MCP Project 52 too. Thanks to you I discovered it. :-) And I wanted to congratulate you with your oh so cute plush creations. I adore your creativity. Dear greetz, cococita

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