Yesterday was the dreaded 'Day One'. For the second time. I first tried low carb eating back in March this year and was pleasantly surprised - it actually seemed to work, and it wasn't that tough! I stuck to it pretty strictly for 30 days (except a pre-booked cream tea right in the middle - ssshhh), and I lost about half a stone. I also felt so much better generally. The best thing was that I felt less hungry; I was just getting so hungry all the time before. This seemed to fix that.
So, why is this the second attempt? If it was so great why wasn't it the 'lifestyle change' I intended it to be? My excuse is that it was summer and the occasional ice cream, beer and fish 'n' chips needed to be eaten. Generally I continued eating low carb, there were just more and more treats happening. It was beginning to spiral out of control a little so another 30 strict days are necessary. My brain likes a definite yes or no - it is already appreciating the lack of choice. I am not eating carbs. It knows this now.
My summer food exploits. Who could've said no to these? |
Are there any side effects? The first time I tried low carb I felt like I had a cold and I was exhausted. This is all pretty common and nothing to worry about. I knew it was something you just had to push through. This time around there are no side effects yet. I am tired, but no more than I have been the last few weeks.
I've read that it is harder to get results the second (or third, fourth,....) time around because the body remembers what happened before and knows to cling on to the fat for longer (it knows you're going to give up basically!). That's a weird thought. It reminds me to try to be patient. Kind of.