11 November 2009

New 2010 Diaries and Calendars....hurrah!

So the new year is fast approaching and that means it's time for the 2010 diaries and calendars at fur will fly!

This year I have 2 fun diary designs on offer:
1) The official Fur Will Fly design - nearly all of the plushies in my shop are featured in there somewhere, so you'll never get bored.

2) Tigsy on Tour - showing Tigsy the Tiger-Moose out and about on his adventures!

Both diaries are A5 in size, open out with a week to view, and each week has it's own photo to keep you amused all year round.

There are also 2 official Fur Will Fly calendars to check out too! The desk calendar is spiral-bound and a neat little size perfect for your office, and the wall calendar opens up to A3 size, perfect for your kitchen!
Grab them quick before they are gone!!
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