25 December 2009

Merry Christmas!

From me and all my plush creations!

22 December 2009

100th sale - receive a free gift!

My next customer will take me to 100 sales in my shop - hurrah! To celebrate, this customer will receive a Fur Will Fly desk calendar for free!

16 December 2009

Favourite Etsy Sellers - 1

This is a new feature on my blog, dedicated to my favourite shops on Etsy.com. I might not always own something made by them, but that's more from lack of funds than anything else!

The first featured seller is.........Missy Industry!

This is a beautifully unique jewellery shop, with funky designs like skulls, angel wings, hearts, lightening and body parts! I bought the cameo skull pendant from here last year and have worn it loads.

Being a biologist, I particularly love all the body part necklaces, like the pelvic bone necklace and the cardio heart pendant.

If you like unusual jewellery, I recommend paying Missy Industry a visit!

13 December 2009

Tigsy's Pastimes 2 - Scrabble

A little known fact about Tigsy is that he is a master speller! He loves playing word games and frequently beats me hands down. Although I did recently discover him scouring the internet for scrabble strategy and tactics, so I don't feel quite so foolish being beaten by a plushie.

His favourite words include: squish, lovable and cuddle.

11 November 2009

New 2010 Diaries and Calendars....hurrah!

So the new year is fast approaching and that means it's time for the 2010 diaries and calendars at fur will fly!

This year I have 2 fun diary designs on offer:
1) The official Fur Will Fly design - nearly all of the plushies in my shop are featured in there somewhere, so you'll never get bored.

2) Tigsy on Tour - showing Tigsy the Tiger-Moose out and about on his adventures!

Both diaries are A5 in size, open out with a week to view, and each week has it's own photo to keep you amused all year round.

There are also 2 official Fur Will Fly calendars to check out too! The desk calendar is spiral-bound and a neat little size perfect for your office, and the wall calendar opens up to A3 size, perfect for your kitchen!
Grab them quick before they are gone!!

06 October 2009

The return of the blog.....

Yes that's right, this blog will be up and running (well, dawdling) again soon!

Look forward to the return of the usual features - feature creature, Tigsy's pastimes and the fur will fly story...............

Thanks for being so patient!!

16 June 2009

Poll now closed

As you can see the poll to vote for the next famous piece of art I turn into plush, has closed. The winner was the Lady of Shallott by Waterhouse! I'll have to start sketching out ideas and I'll be back shortly with the finished article!
Hope I'm allowed to show this picture here! Sssshhhh.....

15 June 2009

Tigsy's Pastimes 1 - Hiking

Tigsy loves to keep busy and he enjoys many different hobbies which he'd like to share with you in the coming weeks. He leads such an active life I think he puts most humans to shame!

One of his favourite activities is hiking, and he loves countryside or coastal walks best. He gets a little worried about being trampled in towns and cities because of his size so I end up having to carry him. The only real dangers in the countryside for him are dogs wandering about off their leads, although he does get nervous when he sees large birds of prey circling overhead!

Generally he doesn't go off unaccompanied, especially as he need someone to carry all his bits and bobs, but I was thinking of making him a rucksack soon so he can go off adventuring by himself sometimes!
More of Tigsy's pastimes coming soon..............

08 June 2009

Feature Creature...no. ????

Ok so I have totally lost count of how many feature creatures we have had so far....but never mind, here is this weeks...................

........................SPRINGTIME DUCKBUNNY!

A cute little furry friend with the body of a bunny and the wings and legs of a duck.....who'd have thought it?

Little is known about this elusive creature, except that he responds warmly to a carrot sandwich, especially if made with cheap white bread and thrown at him by children.

Here is a unique glimpse of him in his natural habitat:

Find him in my shop!

29 May 2009

Where's Tigsy?

Can anyone guess?

No, he didn't manage to wangle a holiday to Egypt, he was along the Embankment in London! Tigsy was amazed by the pair of sphinxes along the Thames, and couldn't wait to get to the library and start learning about the Ancient Egyptians. He's discovered that the British Museum has loads of Egyptian artefacts and has started planning a trip there very soon. I expect I'd better go with him, to make sure he doesn't get up to any mischief! Look forward to reading his blog post on it soon...

28 May 2009

The Plush Team

I'm lucky enough to be a member of the fabulous Plush Team on Etsy. We are a team of almost 50 members, all with etsy shops selling unique handmade plushies. So if you like all things soft and cuddly why not venture on over to our blog where we regularly post our challenge items and discuss what's going on in the world of plush.

To visit the blogs of other plush team members please click on the blog ring button in the sidebar on this page. We all have very unique styles so you're bound to find something to make you smile!

25 May 2009

Tigsy looks forward to summer......

Here in the UK, summer is just around the corner (we hope) and the sun has already started to put in the odd appearance. This got Tigsy very excited as he thoroughly enjoyed catching the rays last year. So, after a particularly beautiful day yesterday, he packed a bag with his suncream, sunglasses and beach towel ready to head to the coast this morning, only to wake up to grey skies and rain. Determined to make the best of it, he laid on his beach towel with his sunnies on in the garden under the clouds instead!

22 May 2009

Feature Creature......is back! Hurrah!

And this week it is the turn of..............

...................'I'm a Quitter'!

Here's someone who's quit the habit and proud of it! With a scrunched up cigarette in one hand, (a fabric one of course), and an 'I Quit' rosette in the other, this plushie is showing off her new healthy lungs!

She had been a smoker all her life, some 2 months, and it just all got too much for her one day when she was training for the annual plushie fun run, and couldn't even reach the other side of the room! It was no good, she just had to quit. Within a few weeks she was living completely smoke free and some of the other plushies made her a special rosette to show her how proud they were of her.

She would love to go to a non-smoking home, or to someone who is at least trying to kick the habit. She'll no doubt provide a lot of encouragement and share tips on how she managed to give up the cigarettes so that you can be a quitter too!

21 May 2009

Plush Construction

Just thought I'd share with you a couple of images of some plushies in mid-construction - mainly to show that I am actually still making things (although admittedly I have been quite lax with my sewing of late, and these pics were taken a little while ago, but shush....don't tell anyone!!).

As you can see, my completed plush zombies enjoy presiding over the construction of new members of their zombie family - which can be a little scary!

05 May 2009

New greetings cards....

.....coming soon!

I have a whole load of funky cards featuring my plushies just waiting to be listed in my shop. There will probably be an offer on these new cards for a limited time, so be quick!!

09 April 2009


Hi all, apologies for being such a bad blogger lately. Things have been a little tough in fur will fly world of late but hopefully there will be some new and exciting plushies and blog posts to match very shortly. Thanks for your patience!

28 February 2009

What's Tigsy doing?

Well some of you might be asking this question, as Tigsy hasn't featured on the blog for a while now. He sends his apologies but he has been very busy lately - working out new blog ideas and overseeing my plushie making.

He has had a little time for fun though, and wanted me to post some pics of him enjoying the recent snow we had here in Kent. He was a little annoyed that he doesn't have any clothes yet, as a nice warm jumper or scarf wouldn't have gone amiss, but he managed to throw a few snowballs and pose for this photo:

More from Tigsy real soon.......

01 February 2009

Valentine's Day is Approaching....

So, I've been neglecting this blog for a little while now - oops! Must try harder.
So to celebrate the start of February, the month of love, I thought I'd bring you a Valentine's based plushie to get you inspired!

Here is Huge Heart - she's all lop-sided because she has such a big heart and a kind nature. She has an anatomically correct(ish) heart, just like you and me....

06 January 2009

Feature Creature 5

The first lucky plushie of 2009 is...........

........................Audrey the Alli-Cat!

Audrey is part alligator, part cat and is a member of the Hybrids, a family of odd but lovable creatures.In the wild, alli-cats love freshwater environments, but Audrey much prefers a comfortable sofa and a TV. Still, she has been known to casually lurk around birdbaths and feeders. She is a stealthy hunter, capable of short bursts of speed to catch her prey (or rather the saucer of milk or cat food you hide for her).

Find Audrey in my shop!

02 January 2009

Happy New Year!

Hope you all enjoyed the holidays!
I had plenty of:

And now need a lot of:
Happy 2009!
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